Check In and Orientation Registration
You are required to check in with the International Studies Office no later than 30 days after the start date indicated on your DS-2019 (see box #3). Failure to meet the 30-day window results in the immediate and automatic cancellation by the U.S. government of your DS-2019. If this occurs, your DS-2019 becomes invalid even if the expiration date in box #3 is in the future.
The check in process is online. You will need to do the following:
1. Read the reporting requirements and regulations for the J-1 program linked here:
2. Access your Scholar profile ISSP Connect
3. Update your personal information with the following required fields:
- local residential address
- U.S. telephone number (if you do not have a personal U.S. telephone number use your department's phone number. This field will need to be updated once you obtain a personal US phone number)
- preferred e-mail address
In your profile, go to the Requests Tab and click on the Submit Arrival Documentation.
1. Complete the information screen and upload the following documents:
- passport ID page and visa
- I-94 arrival record print-out (can be obtained after arrival from the CBP website here).
- Signed DS-2019
2. Complete the information screen under the Requests tab for Insurance Documentation:
Upload a copy of your insurance confirmation.
Your insurance confirmation description must be in English, must include the start and end date for your policy and must list the coverage included in the policy that verifies all required elements are included in your policy.
Insurance must be effective for the duration of the program as listed on the DS-2019 form. If you are receiving insurance through the University as a benefit of your employment, you do not need to attach additional verification for the check in.
You are also required to upload documents for your spouse and/or minor children with J-2 status.
Specific insurance requirements are listed here: J-1/J-2 Insurance Requirements
3. Make an appointment for an online J-1 orientation meeting. Meetings are scheduled for 10 AM on the day you select. You will be sent a link for a Zoom meeting with an advisor to go over your documents, regulations and reporting requirements, and answer any questions you have. REGISTER